Recommended anime that will cheer you up


Today I'd like to introduce you to an anime that will cheer you up!

The first is

Senko the caring fox

                                      ©2019 リムコロ/KADOKAWA/世話やきキツネの仙狐さん製作委員会

©2019 リムコロ/KADOKAWA/世話やきキツネの仙狐さん製作委員会

                       ©2019 リムコロ/KADOKAWA/世話やきキツネの仙狐さん製作委員会

(Sewayakikitunesennkosann)←Amazon prime video

Yuru Yuru, Yokai, Healingtype

This anime is similar to ``Dekiru Neko wa Kyou Mo Melancholy'', which was introduced in a recent recommended anime, and is a soothing anime in which the does everything for its master.

The story is about an office worker who is exhausted from work, and an 800-year-old fox god, Senko-san, comes to his house to repay a favor he received a long time ago.

If you feel tired lately or want to be healed, this is an anime you should definitely watch.

Maybe this anime will cheer you up a little.

Next is



(Hoozukinoreitetu)←Amazon prime video ←Amazon prime video

Hell, monsters, loose type

This anime is

It's an anime set in hell, but it's actually a comedy.

I really like the OP song that plays at the beginning.

This anime has been broadcast up to the second season, so if you haven't watched it yet, please check it out.

The last work to be introduced is





1st term ←Amazon prime video

2st term ←Amazon prime video

Works that allow you to study science

I actually learned about this anime from my big sister who doesn't usually watch anime lol

It seemed like a good learning experience, and I even memorized the characters' names before I knew them.

Personally, I thought that this alone would not significantly improve test scores (;;)

But you can aim for extra points.

I happened to have a question where I had to answer the name of a character that I remembered, so it was a little helpful.

I like the OP song and it really cheers me up.

My big sister was singing at karaoke 😆

This time we introduced an anime that will cheer you up.

There are many kinds of anime, both dark and bright, so I choose them depending on my mood.

I don't like scary movies, so when I watch something scary or traumatic, I always watch something lighter lol.

Thank you for watching till the end


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