Anime I liked when I was little


This time, in an extra edition, I will introduce an anime that my big sister liked when she was little.

I don't think there is any demand for it lol

I don't remember much either, so I'll touch on it briefly.

The first is,

Pururun! Shizuku-chan

©クーリア/しずくちゃんプロジェクト・テレビ東京 ←Amazon prime  video link

The character is a water fairy🩵

Does anyone know this anime?

I have the impression that not many people know about it.

I heard about this anime from my big sister.

This Shizuku-chan seems to be a drop water fairy.

It's a daily life style anime.

It's interesting to have characters with different personalities😊.

The second is,




daily life anime Amazon prime  video link

My big sister seems to like the OP song of this anime.

My big sister used to this music turn it on at high volume at home 😅

This is a very popular anime that is still airing and is recommended for small children.

It's very loose, so the broadcast time is quite short.

The last thing I would like to introduce is

The work I was also watching

Zenmai Zamurai

©m&k/小学館・アニプレックス・JR Kikaku

©m&k/小学館・アニプレックス・JR Kikaku

Japanese, ninja, animation for children


Amazon prime  video link

I don't remember much about the content of this anime, but

I just watched the first episode a little bit the other day.

I was surprised to find out later,

In fact, the main character, Zenmai Zamurai, apparently fell into a well and died in the beginning.

After that, the story continues with Daifukujin giving him a mainspring that allows him to survive by converting evil people.

I was surprised because I didn't think much about it when I was little.

When I was little, for some reason I admired Zenmai Zamurai and used to make dango stickssord🍡 lol

This time,

There may not have been much demand for it, but I introduced an anime that my sister watched when she was little in an extra edition.

Thank you for staying with us until the end.


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